ReconciliAsian is a peace center in Los Angeles that responds to the needs of young emerging leaders in local Korean immigrant churches who have witnessed church splits and conflict amongst first generation church leaders. Church split is very common because of the complex set of issues that include theological, cultural, and generational tensions, but the primary conflict stems from the church being a social center rather than a religious one.ReconciliAsian aims to equip these leaders with skills and strategies to understand and deal with conflict within the church, and to help them better understand Jesus’ ministry as one of peacemaking. The goal of the center is to encourage a peace culture in the immigrant churches and provide skills that can promote conversation, participation, and cooperation: tools that the immigrant congregations desperately need if they hope to persist and have a vibrant Christian ministry in the city. Our goal is to help young leaders understand that conflicts in Korean churches can be dealt in a peaceful way that is transformative and restorative.
For more information about ReconciliAsian, please visit
For more information about ReconciliAsian, please visit